Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lottery questions

I should mention that the entry form for the Kona lottery is a tad more extensive than any other event registration form I've encountered.

A few sample questions (all limited to 250 characters or less):
- Significant personal achievements. Somehow I don't think they'd be impressed that I'm a two-time 2nd place showmanship winner of the now-defunct Spammarama -- even if I am.
- Do you have a special or inspirational story you'd like to share? -- Although seems to be a yes/no question -- it is also limited to 250 characters. And...has another 250 character "Cont..." field. Furthermore, it is marked as a required answer for successful entry submission. The instructions also indicate that "No" is an acceptable answer. You can't help wonder if the results are rigged for cancer survivors that also lost 250 lbs on the Biggest Loser.
- Professional or Academic honors. Once again, are the results somehow rigged for Nobel Prize laureates?
- Why are you entering the Ironman Lottery? Uhh. Because I think my chances of winning are greater than the Powerball?
- Interesting facts about you. I can twist my tongue into a clover. Is that interesting enough? If I mention that I was born in Afghanistan -- will that help or hurt my chances of winning the lottery?

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