Saturday, October 11, 2008

A couple of odds and ends before we go watch

Three things I think:

1. Reading the literature about race nutrition, one of the savants suggests that solid food is a "luxury" and that athletes should subsist on goo or gels for the entire event. Speaking for myself, that's a non-starter. You should make your own judgement. Go buy a gel. Keep it in your back pocket for a couple of hours to make sure the temp is just right. Then eat it (eat isn't quite the right word but you know what I mean. Or you will once you see the stuff!). Can you imagine subsisting on that for 12-13 hours?

2. There is a U.S. Navy frigate anchored just off shore for the event. By the standards of the Navy, that's a small ship. It looks pretty big to me. Completely dwarfs all of the other ships in any dimension you care to mention.

3. As Noel mentioned, we saw a good chunk of the bike check-in process yesterday. There is an awful lot of very exotic cycling hardware at this event. None of it looks all that comfortable though.

Anyway, gotta go. We're heading off to our spot to watch the swim. I'll try to post some during the day from Noel's iPhone. Wish us watchers luck. Spotting Noel is going to be hard.


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